Understanding And Applying Flooring Epoxy

When it comes to flooring solutions, many individuals and businesses are turning towards epoxy floors due to their durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetic versatility. Flooring epoxy refers to a type of flooring surface comprised of multiple epoxy layers applied to the floor to a depth of at least two millimeters. If the depth is less than two millimeters, it is referred to as an epoxy floor coating.

The Makeup of Flooring Epoxy

Epoxy, essentially, is a term that represents a system comprised of two main components – resins and hardeners. The resin component is light, odorless, and colorless, whereas the hardener is usually dark in color and offers a specific smell. When these two elements are mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place, producing heat that forms a rigid plastic material. Once hardened, it’s incredibly strong, resistant to degradation, and bonds exceptionally well to its substrate.

Benefits of Flooring Epoxy

Epoxy flooring brings a plethora of advantages to the table. It creates a glossy surface that significantly boosts the brightness of an interior space. It’s hard-wearing and robust, allowing it to withstand the use of heavy machinery and high traffic. Moreover, flooring epoxy is simple to clean, requiring little to no maintenance, making it an appealing choice for spaces where cleanliness is paramount. It’s resistant to oil, bleach, gasoline, cleaners, and transmission fluid. Therefore, epoxy flooring is highly suitable for garages, automotive industries, and food and beverage plants.

Application of Flooring Epoxy

The application of flooring epoxy involves multiple steps to achieve a lasting and fully-functional floor. First, the concrete surface should be well-prepped and cleaned. Following this, a primer is applied, which seeps into the pores of the concrete to create a strong bond. Once the primer sets, the first coat of epoxy is applied. It’s essential that between each step, the floor must thoroughly dry. Failure to do so can result in issues with the coating not adhering correctly, resulting in a floor that peels and chips over time.

Professional installation by an epoxy flooring contractor newcastle ensures the seamless execution of these steps. Utilizing their services guarantees that your floors will last longer and look better, adding more value to your property. It also avoids the potential risks and expenses of self-installed floors, as epoxy floors require correct preparation and application for long-term durability.


Epoxy flooring is an amazing asset if you’re looking to build a robust, resistant, and aesthetically pleasing flooring system. Embracing this flooring solution certainly gives you a great return on investment, considering its durability, cost-effectiveness, and minimal maintenance requirements. However, achieving a top-quality finish lies in the proper preparation of the surface and a careful application of the epoxy. Professional help from a seasoned epoxy flooring contractor newcastle can help to ensure that your epoxy flooring is installed correctly, giving you a beautiful, long-lasting floor that will serve your needs for many years to come.