Submitted by: Kalyani Sankaranarayana
Children are often asked to forgive: forgive their sibling for grabbing a toy; forgive mom for being late; forgive a friend at school for pulling out their hair. When we teach a child about forgiveness, do we really insist on the repetition of words like sorry and I will never repeat this again or are we really particular in teaching them to let go of things?
It is important for children to understand compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. By instilling the virtue of kindness in our child, we help the child to use an essential life tool in navigating through childhood and adolescence in an easier way. Holding on to anger will lead to anxiety and depression for children and adults. The earlier forgiveness is taught, the earlier we can groom the child to grow up as an individual free of anxiety and depression.
There is also a misconception that forgiving means forgetting, which might bring on the fear that it will happen again. In order to forgive sometimes we need to look beyond the action and understand the person. Helping your child understand a possible trigger for the persons actions encourages compassion and forgiveness. Here are some thoughts which we as parents can ponder on to inculcate forgiveness in children.
Understanding the feelings of your Child
Before asking our child to forgive, let go or excuse a behaviour, it is first important to identify the feeling your child is experiencing. Is he or she frustrated, angry, embarrassed, or disappointed? The child first needs to understand how he/she feels before they really forgive. Instead of asking our child to immediately accept their siblings Im sorry, have them clearly express how they feel. For example, your child should be able to say, Sam, I am really upset that you have taken my notebook without my knowledge. Next time, please let me know when you need one.
Give It Time
We cant force our children to forgive someone. If we pressure them to say something when they dont mean it, nothing gets solved. Explain the importance and the benefits of forgiving, however the actual act must come from their heart and not our demands. Give it time.
Perspective : able to see things from the other side
We need to teach our kids proper perspectiveto be able to see things from the other side. For instance your child has a good friend who has suddenly stopped talking to your child She feels lonely and betrayed. All your daughter knows is what shes feeling, but thats only half the story. Help her to think about what her friend might be feeling. What made her keep away from your daughter. We dont know. Lets insist to our children that we should not jump to conclusions. Forgiving is much easier when we know the whole story and not just half of it.
Be the example
Let us be the living role model and show our child how you forgive others.
Treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. is the basis of all human morality and the underlying tenet of all faiths and religions. This should be the first lesson you teach your child. Lets reinforce this Golden Rule to our children. Forgiveness is the natural result of its application. The important lesson is to keep trying, making efforts, understanding forgiveness, loving and kindness. Compassion and love heal.
About the Author: Kalyani Shankar is a mother of twins and works as a German Linguist in an MNC. Amidst the jam packed busy life of a working mother, she looks forward to spending quality time with her kids when back home. Kalyani loves to introduce thought-provoking and fun activities that interest children. As a Balvikas spiritual educator for children, she strives to include Spirituality and its Relevance in daily life situations and mentors parents on the same lines.
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