Tips For Career Planning
Broderick Bell
It is never too early to consider a career and the things you can do before college to help keep your career options open. Career counsellors assist people to explore, pursue and attain their career goals. Counselling is actively listening to an individual’s story and communicating understanding, respect and empathy; clarifying goals and assisting individuals with the decision-making process.
Employers do not want to hire an absentee person. Believe it or not, the employer will invest a lot of money to hire the person they feel will be the best asset to them. They want someone that will be on the job and able to complete the assigned tasks. One way to determine this is to check your high school or college attendance record.
Let’s take these further. To enhance your career, hardworking, humility and honesty is essential. Hardworking is fairly straightforward. It just means nothing comes easy. There are no rewards in the working world that comes without hard work. In fact, there is nothing in life that comes without hard work.
There are many networking events in November and December – in your social life, in your community, and in your professional circles. Think of all the companies having holiday parties. Many charities have their last fundraisers of the tax year in November and December. Book sales, holiday fairs and other celebrations make this the best time of year for productive networking!
Evaluate your progress after last career planning: it is not about dwelling in your past, rather understanding the direction of your career since the last time you planned it- whether you followed what you planned, how much you deviated, whether you progress is significant or have you become stagnant or even treading a regressing path.
Building a network of contacts and maintaining constant touch with them in one of the surefire method of effective career building. Today many organizations resort to getting reference from its own employees rather than going through the advertisement or job consultancy route while hiring. This not only saves some time and money for them but they know that the minimum job quality is assured through reference.
Write down your plan to achieve those small goals. Here comes the real planning step. Know your outcome. Know your situation. Know your competency. Know you competitor. You should write down all the analysis so that you know what you can do and what you can not. If not, how you are going to acquire those skills. Write down all the activities you need to do in days, weeks and months.
Career goals need to be manageable. If you are working as an executive and your goal is to become CEO in the next two years, wake up my friend and smell the coffee. This is not going to be possible unless you are related to the CEO of the company, and even then it is not going to be easy. Set small and manageable goals where your career plans are concerned.
Controlling your life, career and future is no easy task. Once you make the decision to start, work through one thing at a time. Keep it up and before you know it you will put together a record of personal achievements and career advancement. The time to start is now.
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